Series: Lewis & Clark

The Lewis & Clark Expedition was one of the most dramatic and significant episodes in the history of the United States. Following the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, Thomas Jefferson assigned Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to cross the North American continent from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean by way of the Missouri and Columbia Rivers. Not only did they search for a practical transportation link, but they also observed and collected plant, animal and mineral specimens along the way while keeping detailed journals. They started on May 16, 1804, from Wood River, Illinois and after traveling over two years and 8,000 miles returned to St. Louis, Missouri on September 23, 1806. Today the Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail closely follows their journey through Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon & Washington. Though much has changed, much endures the way Lewis and Clark saw it 200 hundred years ago, and you can follow in their footsteps by finding these boxes.





Lewis & Clark In IA

06/22/03 Onowa, IA Monona

Lewis & Clark In ID

08/01/04 Lowell, ID Idaho

Lewis & Clark In KS

06/21/03 Leavenworth, KS Leavenworth

Lewis & Clark In MO

06/21/03 Lewis & Clark Village, MO Buchanan

Lewis & Clark In MT

08/01/04 Dillon, MT Beaverhead

Lewis & Clark In ND

06/24/03 Williston, ND Williams

Lewis & Clark In NE

06/22/03 Shubert, NE Nemaha

Lewis & Clark In OR

11/10/03 Troutdale, OR Multnomah

Lewis & Clark In SD

06/23/03 Pierre, SD Hughes

Lewis & Clark In WA

11/09/03 Ilwaco, WA Pacific